Business Card Printing

Business Card Printing

Imagination & Wonder

Business Card PrintingWhen you started your business nothing felt more official than having your very own business card.

Your name, title, and business logo created a sense of new beginnings. It’s one of the very first steps you take as a business owner to mentally prepare you for the long road in business that awaits you.

You visualize the great connections and business relationships you’ll create with this little yet powerful business card.

You think about the networking events, trade shows, seminars and personal meetings that can take your business to a bigger level.

Your childlike wonder and imagination takes flight without limitations, your curiosity about growing and building a long-lasting business is all you thought about when you unwrapped the box to see your very own business card.

The energy behind a new introduction is powerful enough to take you to uncharted territories and discover new business ventures. These are some of the many reasons why the resilient business card still survives today since the 17th century.


Committing to Service

business card printing 1You’ve printed and ordered 1000 business cards, this places a number of opportunities and commitments you must keep to develop and practice your pitch 1000 times. This is a great exercise in getting in front of complete strangers to deliver your message.

What you’ll discover along the way is how to structure your pitch, what words hook a prospect or get him/her to take action and how people respond to your product.

In sharing your business card and message you’ll also find out what product your prospect is looking for and what problems or frustrations he’s dealing with, this is a great opportunity for you to come up with solutions that will serve him the best in his business.

Getting to a point where you are comfortable with your pitch and knowing with confidence how to place your product or service will take about 1000 consistent attempts, so get out and network.


Build Up Your Business Courage

Business Card Printing 3By stepping out of your comfort zone you’ll create confidence and increases your chances of meeting the person who can make an important introduction, while at the same time improving your approach and pitch.

You are also committing yourself emotionally, spiritually and mentally for uncomfortable moments that come along with building a successful business, like making unpopular decisions, leading a team, managing challenges and creating opportunities.



 Focus On Your Target

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Think of your business cards as ammunition, you’ll be tempted to pepper every moving target you see, however focusing in on the person or industry that will most benefit from your product or service increases your chances of setting up appointments to meet with the potential client or simply scheduling a second call.

The more approaches you make in sharing your business card the more comfortable you should feel and the sharper you’ll become in spotting the business opportunities that are right for your business.


Delivering On Your Promise

Business Card Printing 5Having a business card serves as a guarantee on delivering what you promised to your client.

Your phone number and email address are there for your customer to reach you when needed and he/she expects you to respond promptly and with a solution or they will move on to the next company.

Your business card is more than a way to exchange information, you can show your personality and creativity. 

Quality and design will leave a certain impression with customers, it all depends on what impression YOU want to leave. Let your designer know what you want your card to say to your clients and customers.

Come up with a list of words that you want to be associated with your business and go from there, so stay committed and continue introducing yourself until everybody knows your name.

If you have any questions regarding business card printing or design please feel free and send us an email at and we will be glad to answer any of your questions.