Create An Effective Sales Brochures To Maximize & Generate Leads

Brochure Printing & Design

4 tips to help you plan effective brochures that influence potential customers to buy from you.

Sales brochures can make up a nice slice in your marketing pie that helps influence potential and existing customers. Leaving a physical reminder behind is a powerful tool when the information serves and addresses the customer’s needs.

If done correctly your tri-fold brochure can get your customer’s attention by establishing a need for your product or service, while your brochure design and information lay down the foundation to your sales process by appealing to the customer’s needs.

However, it’s quite common to get lost and spend a lot of time on brochure design when in fact the message is the most important aspect in the brochure.

Now… I’m not saying visual design and graphics aren’t important because they are.

However, by focusing on the message and story first, your image choices become easier and have a purpose behind them which translates better to the prospect.

I’ll share with you a couple of tips we’ve picked up along the way in printing thousands of brochures for our clients.

We can help you with your presentation brochures HERE to craft an effective sales brochure that clearly communicates your message and value as a business.


1. Your Headline


Get your audience’s attention with a strong headline.

Your headline is the lure on the front page of your tri-fold brochure that will get those customers interested in your service to look inside for more information that can help them.

Stating your big claim front and center with what your customer cares about creates interest your potential customer is more likely to want to know more of what it is your offering.

Your headline also helps your customer decide whether what you’re offering is of any value to them or a complete waste of time, this is the main reason why your headline is so important and must be for the customer.

Not your company logo, not your graphics, not your product but your headline.

In coming up with a good headline think about the problem your business is solving for the customer and then convert the solution into a catchy and sticky headline.



2. Creating Curiosity & Interest

Brochure Printing

Once you’ve created your headline it’s time to figure out how you can further explain the point of interest your customer is looking for.

Stick with one main idea for each set of brochures you decide to print, if you have too many products or services on one brochure you risk losing and confusing the potential customer.

You can do this by outlining your products, benefits, and features on the inside of your brochure.

What are the benefits other customers have had with your service or products? How have you helped and what kind of results does your product produce?

We suggest highlighting 2-4 products max and focus more on including customer testimonial this gives your potential customer social proof that your product or service works.

  • Show or describe how your product helps customers by using testimonials.
  • Communicate urgency or scarcity in your descriptions. Is your product seasonal, limited edition or comes in only three colors?
  • Do you have a new method or technology that save your customer time or money?
  • Do you have a special advantage over the competition?

Highlight what matters to the customer to keep the focus on value.



3. Understanding Your Customer’s Needs

Brchure PrintingWhat questions keep coming up when you talk to your customers?

What are they concerned with and what problems are they looking to solve in their business or life?

Use your customer’s questions as guides and answer the top 3 questions that keep coming up by highlighting them in bullet points on the inside of your brochure.

Figure out what your customers desired outcome is and give it to them in the form of your product or service that you provide. Your customer won’t buy unless you can point out how you can help and why they need your product or service.

Help them meet their needs in business or any other aspect of life and your chances of getting the sale will increase. Place yourself in your customer’s shoes and give them what’s important to them in order to make a decision.


4. Ask For What You Want

Brochure print

Imagine your potential customer has your brochure in hand. He’s read your headline and you’ve piqued his interest by providing a brief description of the solution you’re offering.

You’ve established a need for your service and products and answered most of his pressing concerns and questions on why your business is right for him.

You’ve demonstrated your value and social proof with client testimonials from happy and satisfied customers who used your service and products.


The last step in making sure your brochure works effectively is by guiding the customer to either visit your website or call you to place an order online.

You can add this call to action on the top right of the inside of the brochure or a clear and noticeable area on the inside. 

Guiding the customer is just a matter of asking them to take a specific action, this eliminates guessing and confusion on your customer’s part and directs him on what to do next with the information you just presented.


We hope this information will help you craft your next brochure. If you have any questions or would like us to help you in putting together your brochure please feel free to give us a call at 562-505-2911 or shoot us an email at